ItsHerWay Is now Introducing Monthly Installments for their high in demand Memberships to Facilitate easier access to the platform for those who cannot pay annual fees in one go
ItsHerWay is introducing the Pay As You Grow installment plan for the members from 1st January 2023 to facilitate better cash flows for small and medium-sized businesses.
From 1st January 2023, as a new year gift, ItsHerWay is introducing an easy installment plan for small and medium-sized businesses to pay their subscription fee every month instead of a one-time payment. Most of the time small or medium-sized businesses find it challenging to take out a big chunk of money which is why ItsHerWay has come up with an easy payment mechanism that allows you to pay in installments.
ItsHerWay helps any women-owned businesses in the region to capitalize on the power and benefits of an online community to build meaningful relationships with customers or members. This installment plan effectively translates into greater brand loyalty and upsell opportunities for growing brands. ItsHerWay doesn't just provide a platform to showcase your product or services but, as an online community also helps better understand their customers and their needs. This enables them to build better roadmaps for future products and services and refine their sales and marketing strategy, which is pivotal for the growth and success of any eCommerce brand. Becoming a member of ItsHerWay also guarantees access to many valuable resources, which eventually opens new doors to success.
"ItsHerWay was founded with a vision to become a community that can play an important role in fostering positive connections and lead its members to interact with each other and with the brand/ business meaningfully. By becoming a member of this collaborative effort, any women-owned business in the region can reap a wide range of benefits. This platform will not just help you advertise your services or products and gain new customers but also increase the trustworthiness of your brand and positively influence your brand image." ~ Armin Jamula, Co-founder and Head Of Business Strategy And Marketing at ItsHerWay.
This opportunity is available for licensed businesses only from 1st January 2023. Small and medium businesses can now pay 90 AED per month + VAT, instead of paying the full subscription fee in one go. No minimum duration. ItsHerWay has partnered with Stripe to ensure a secure and streamlined payment process.
To learn more about how members can avail of this amazing offer, contact the ItsHerWay administration.
To book a call with our team to know more. Click here - ItsHerWay
Email: sellwithus@itsherway.com